Fe3+δGeTe2 (FGT) has proved to be an interesting van der Waals (vdW) ferromagnetic compound with a tunable Curie temperature ( TC ). However, the underlying mechanism for varying TC remains elusive. Here, we systematically investigate and compare low-temperature magnetic properties of single crystalline FGT samples that exhibit TC s ranging from 160 K to 205 K. Spin stiffness (D) and spin excitation gap (Δ) are extracted using Bloch’s theory for crystals with varying Fe content. Compared to Cr-based vdW ferromagnets, FGT compounds have higher spin stiffness values but lower spin wave excitation gaps. We discuss the implication of these relationships in Fe–Fe ion magnetic interactions in FGT unit cells. The itinerancy of magnetic electrons is measured and discussed under the Rhodes–Wohlfarth ratio (RWR) and the Takahashi theory.