In the present work, the dynamics of axial profiles of negative ions and the degree of electronegativity a = Nn / Ne of different parts of the RF capacitive discharge in carbon dioxide are investigated using the SIGLO-rf fluid code. Time-averaged axial profiles of densities of electrons Ne, positive Np and negative Nn ions are also obtained in a wide range of gas pressures and applied RF voltages. It is shown that at a sufficiently high gas pressure (1 Torr and higher), the quasi-neutral plasma consists predominantly of positive and negative ions. The degree of electroneutrality a is about several tens and decreases with increasing RF voltage. Because of oscillations in the RF electric field, electrons are ejected every half-period from a near-electrode sheath to the sheath near the opposite electrode being the temporary anode. This leads to a significant increase in the degree of electronegativity in the sheath abandoned by the electrons. At low carbon dioxide pressures (below 0.17 Torr), the plasma consists predominantly of electrons and positive ions with a very low negative ion density, and the degree of electronegativity is significantly less than unity.
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