One of the main characteristics that makes it possible to use effectively a rolling mill is high-speed rolling mode. This paper presents the results of theoretical and practical investigations of tram rails rolling technology on the modern universal rail-and-structural steel mill of EVRAZ ZSMK. A new scheme for rolling tram rails in the finishing continuous reverse train was developed. The diagrams of the rolls revolution speed in the stand with the condition of the most effective use of technical characteristics of the main drives are developed. A new approach is offered for high-speed rolling modes at the stages of piece capture, steady-state process and rolled piece release during rolling in the continuous universal train including three stands. Based on the existing equipment of the rolling mill the recommendations are given concerning the frequency of rolls revolution separately for each pass and for each stand during continuous rolling in the finishing train. A rolling method is proposed in which the capture of the tolled metal in all passes is carried out at a constant speed of rolls revolution.
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