Syntrophic interactions are key in anaerobic food chains, facilitating the conversion of complex organic matter into methane. A typical example involves acetogenic bacteria converting fatty acids (e.g., butyrate and propionate), a process thermodynamically reliant on H2 consumption by microorganisms such as methanogens. While most studies focus on H2-interspecies transfer between these groups, knowledge on acetate cross-feeding in anaerobic systems is lacking. This study investigated butyrate oxidation by co-cultures of Syntrophomonas wolfei and Methanospirillum hungatei, both with and without the addition of the acetate scavenger Methanothrix soehngenii. Growth and gene expression patterns of S. wolfei and M. hungatei were followed in the two conditions. Although butyrate consumption rates remained constant, genes in the butyrate degradation pathway of S. wolfei were less expressed in the presence of M. soehngenii, including genes involved in reverse electron transport. Higher expression of a type IV-pili operon in S. wolfei hints to the potential for direct interspecies electron transfer between S. wolfei and M. soehngenii and an energetically advantageous relationship between the two microorganisms. Overall, the presence of the acetate scavenger M. soehngenii positively influenced the energy metabolism of S. wolfei and highlighted the relevance of including acetate scavengers when investigating syntrophic fatty acid degradation.
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