In Indonesia, exclusive breastfeeding coverage will stagnate at around 52.2% in 2022, with causal factors including lack of knowledge, maternal support, lack of breastfeeding facilities in the workplace, and promotion of formula milk. Support from the government, employers and families is needed to increase exclusive breastfeeding coverage and baby health. To analyze differences in family support and maternal employment towards exclusive breastfeeding in rural areas and urban areas in the Darul Imarah Health Center working area, Aceh Besar Regency. Quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach. Sampling used a cluster sampling technique followed by a random sampling technique with a sample size of 178 respondents. Univariate descriptive analysis using the Chi-Square test. There is no significant relationship between family support and exclusive breastfeeding in rural areas (p = 0.091) or in urban areas (p = 0.721). The results of the chi-square statistical test in rural areas obtained a value of p = 1,000, which means there is no relationship between mother's employment and exclusive breastfeeding. In urban areas, the value of P = 0.804 and C value = 0.619, which means there is a relationship between maternal employment and exclusive breastfeeding. There is no significant influence between maternal employment on exclusive breastfeeding in rural and urban areas and there is no significant influence between family support and exclusive breastfeeding in rural and urban areas.
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