It is often said that nature is our home and that what nature grows are gifts for us to use. When exploring nature, the question arises: what can be obtained from it, and what can be taken home without harming nature? Natural resources are found in living and non-living environments and are used by humans or can be used to satisfy consumer needs. Some examples of natural resources include solar energy, geothermal energy, minerals, climate, water, soil, vegetation, fauna, and landscape. Environmental sustainability is defined as a combination of social and economic development and environmental protection efforts to ensure a high quality of life for current and future generations. For many, environmental sustainability is associated with the protection of ecosystems, the use of renewable sources, and environmentally friendly behaviour. It's very important to talk to children about sustainability too. They are our future, and their habits, knowledge, and awareness are crucial to the fate of the planet. However, finding a clear explanation of sustainability for children is not an easy task. It can sound like this: sustainability - are the micro-changes that we can make to help take care of our planet. When participating in joint activities, preschool children can grow in understanding, describing themselves as a part of nature, and explaining in their own words what human needs are and their impact on the environment. They also demonstrate initiative on how to protect nature and how to use natural resources responsibly. The responsible use of natural resources is an important aspect to preserve our nature. Preschool children have a great opportunity to learn about minerals found in the local region. Children also develop an awareness of natural resources, environmental protection, and the history and culture of the region. Understanding how fossil fuels are used in everyday life can help children appreciate the environment, encourage conscious consumption, and spread ideas of sustainability. Keywords: natural resources, preschool education, environmental sustainability, dolomite rock
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