The difFerentia1 equation fi = F(t, 8, e), in which 0 is an angular variable and F is small and periodic with period 2rr in t and 0, represents a material body spinning about a fixed axis subject to a small, periodic, not necessarily conservative torque. Mathematically the equation is a paradigm case of non. . linear oscillations. The equation 19 = 0, of which it is a perturbation, is formally linear but exhibits the characteristic behavior of a nonlinear integrable Hamiltonian system because Q is an angular variable, The solutions e=wt+e,, where w and 0, are initial conditions, are geometrically periodic with period 297/w, and dependence of the period upon the amplitude or initial conditions, as seen in the unperturbed Duffing equation 1+ cw: + /5’S = 0, is the chief property of nonlinear oscillations. When 0 == 0 is perturbed to a nonintegrable Hamiltonian system, the results of Poincare-Birkhoe and Kolmogorov-Arnol’d-Moser apply and a complicated global picture results, which however has the simple consequence that the angular velocity w = 8 is not subject to very much “drift” along any orbit. This is due to the presence of invariant curves surrounding the cylindrical phase space of the variables (0, w) near circles w = constant for which w is “badly irrational..” At the other extreme, when the perturbation contains substantial friction, all orbits may tend to a single limit cycle on the cylinder, with cu fluctuating around a single final value. The cases studied in this paper lie between these two extremes, when the perturbation consists of a small Hamiltonian part and a still smaller friction. The problem is then to determine the possible “final values” of w (in a sense to be made precise later), and show how their number increases as the friction goes to zero. The delicacy of the problem is seen in the fact that the result depends upon the higher harmonics of 0 present in F, and that no matter how rapidly the coefficients of these harmonics decay, their presence will be felt when the friction is small enough. The application motivating this work is to planetary spin resonance, in
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