Technogenic radioactive contamination of the external environment has a radiation effect on flora and fauna, including humans. Radionuclides entering the biosphere become a source of external, contact and internal radiation in a variety of combinations. The electron paramagnetic resonance dosimetry is a technique that allows a retrospective assessment of an individual dose to be made. Purpose of the study. Assessment of the long-term consequences of the impact of radiation contamination of the territories adjacent to the landfill on the health of the population using biotesting methods. Material and methods. A reconnaissance and radioecological survey of environmental objects was carried out using analytical methods, which made it possible to determine the quantitative content of toxic components, priority pollutants and radioactive isotopes. The objects of study are the Bokeyordinsky and Zhanibeksky districts of the West Kazakhstan region (WKR), adjacent to the Kapustin Yar test site. The values of the volumetric activity of natural and technogenic radionuclides in soil samples, drinking water and biosubstrates (teeth, samples of human peripheral blood) from settlements of the surveyed areas were studied. Results and discussion. Measurements of gamma radiation showed that along the perimeter of the polygon and in nearby settlements, the radiation level is in the range of 0.06–0.14 µSv/h. An insignificant excess of the level of radioactivity persists near the fall of missiles in the Bokeyordin region. The indicators of the general morbidity of the adult population of maternal and child mortality in the indicated regions were also studied. It was found in the inhabitants of the Bokeyordinsky district with a reliability of p = 95% in the studied teeth, betta and gamma activity is less than the natural level and indicates that the content of radionuclides in the studied teeth is not higher than their natural level. A noticeable excess of the activity of radionuclides K40 and Ra226 is noted among residents of Zhanibeksky district. Conclusions. In the surveyed districts of the region, there is an unsatisfactory state of health of children and women, especially of fertile age, a high level of primary morbidity, maternal mortality; there is a tendency for the growth of eco-dependent human diseases (previously unrecorded forms of oncological diseases, congenital malformations, diseases of the hematopoietic and nervous systems). The conclusions can be used to implement measures to improve the ecological state of the region and the health of the population. Keywords: radionuclides, radioactivity, biosubstrate, polygon, ecology, eco-dependent diseases.
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