Portal appearance of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced from fermentation of three different resistant starch (RS) sources (raw potato starch, high-amylose maize starch and retrograded high-amylose maize starch) was investigated in pigs. The catheterization technique coupled with determination of portal blood flow was used to estimate SCFA uptake by the colonic mucosa. Our hypothesis was that these three RS were not equivalent butyrate providers for the colonic mucosa and that butyrate uptake would therefore be different after in vivo fermentation of each starch. The starches induced different patterns of appearance of SCFA in the portal blood; raw potato starch was the only RS source to show a significant appearance of butyrate in the portal blood. Thus, uptake of butyrate by the colonic mucosa apparently differed between starches. This finding suggests that butyrate uptake does not only depend on the flow of butyrate appearing in the lumen. Indeed, for unexplained reasons, utilization of butyrate by the colonic mucosa appeared to be less efficient when the butyrate was produced from fermentation of potato starch than when it was produced from fermentation of the other RS sources.
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