(1) Two components, A2 with carboxyl and A1 without, were isolated from the.polyphenolic component A in the previous paper by counter current distribution method. According to their property, these were assumed to be the delivatives of caffeic acid. However it was not clarified whether the new comp A1 might be produced abundantly because of the abnormal metabolism caused by the penetration of the fungus, or converted from the other polyphels during the extraction. (2) To examine the antifungal activity of these components, Ceratostomella fimbriata was cultivated in the medium containing 0.5, 0.1 and 0.01% A1 and A2 as well as chloroginic acid respectively, but it was not inhibited noticeably, i.e., by 0.5% slightly inhibited and 0.01% facilitated a little. The antibiotic property of A1 was stronger than the other two in a slight degree. The quinons were produced from these polyphenols by the action of the oxidase secreted from the fungus during the cultivation, but their antibiotic activity was scarecely observed. (3) As the determination method, K3FeCN6, oxidation-method was improved and used in comparison with the oxidase method described in the last paper; consequently, nearly the same quantitative values were obtained. (4) Selecting Var. Norin No. 1, Norin No. 5 and Okinawa No. 100, the relation between the amount of polyphenols, accumulated by the penetration of the mycellium and the depth of penetration was examined. The result was as follows; the amount was found to be larger in Norin No. 1 end No. 5 than Okinawa No. 100. While the depth of penetration was found to be in the following order;. Norin No. 5> Norin No. I>Okinawa No. 100. Consequently it waa considered that polyphenols and their derived quinon compunds were not greatly capable of inhibiting the tungus growth in tissue of the sweet potato. (5) However, the oxidized polymers (perhaps melanine-like substances) of polyphenols might inhibit the penetretion mechanically by their filling the cells. (6) Therefore, the reason of the resistance of sweet potato against the fungus must be inquired in the other physical and chemical factors.
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