To develop and optimize protective measures in the CCR conditions, an analysis of the epidemic resistance of zoned varieties and hybrid lines of spring wheat to the causative agents of septoria, brown and yellow rust was carried out; the effect of fungicides, biological agents, their binary mixtures was studied for wheat crops. Among the selection material of spring wheat, lines and numbers were identified and selected as potential genetic sources and donors, combining resistance to environmental stress factors (brown and yellow rust, septoria blight) with productivity and adaptability to the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region. Using DNA markers, Lr genes in the lines selected as potential donors of leaf rust resistance were identified. In the genotypes of selection lines, the Lr19 gene dominance was revealed in combination with the weakly effective genes Lr10, Lr 20, and Lr 26. It was observed that the combination of Lr19 + Lr26 increases the level of resistance. All zoned varieties were affected by diseases, which indicates the need for protective measures. The biological effectiveness of chemical and biological agents against aerogenic diseases was established in the range of 82.1-100%. Amistar Extra was effective against septoria, perenophorosis and leaf rust, Rex Duo was effective against leaf rust, Title Duo was effective against powdery mildew. Amist Extra 0.7 l / ha + Biostim 2.0 l / ha was effective against leaf rust (99.4%) and powdery mildew (98.9%). A mixture of Amistar Extra 0.7 l / ha and Alfastim 30 ml / ha was effective against septoria (93.0%) and pyrenoforosis (100%). Mixed forms of Amistar Extra 0.7 l / ha + Alfastim 30 ml / ha (91.3-95.7%) and Amistar Extra 0.7 l / ha + Healthy yield 0.9 l / ha (91.0-95.7%) were effective against septoria spot and brown rust.
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