Neutron scattering using diffraction techniques is now recognised as the most precise and reliable method of mapping sub-surface residual stresses in materials and industrial devices. It was therefore decided to build the dedicated strain scanner KOWARI among the first suite of instruments for the new Australian Replacement Research Reactor OPAL. In order to support the new instrument and familiarize the Australian user community with the technique a „Neutrons for Engineering“ project has been established to provide a fully integrated residual stress service. To make use of the neutrons at Australias HIFAR reactor the existing three-axis spectrometer has been refurbished and modified to allow strain measurements. The Australian Strain Scanner (TASS) will operate until the new strain scanner becomes operational in 2006. Apart from giving an overview about the technique and properties of the new strain scanner we would like to present and discuss two case studies: a) residual-stresses obtained from a break-disc of a car and b) residual-stresses within a flash-butt welded plate cut out of a railway.