In the context of the Italian National Herpes Zoster Vaccine program, an exploratory survey was conducted on a sample of fragile adult patients to investigate the representations of the disease and its prevention to build future local vaccination campaigns. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to 271 fragile adult patients who had adjuvanted recombinant Herpes Zoster vaccination to detect the following: knowledge and perception of the disease and its risks; information sources and confidence in the information sources used; and perception of the Herpes Zoster vaccination. Fragile adult patients have the representation of Herpes Zoster as a serious disease (86.5%), and they consider themselves informed concerning symptoms and health effects. Women are more fearful of the impact of the disease (Chi-square = 10.03; DF = 3; p-value = 0.018), while those with a higher average age consider themselves less informed (R = −158; p-value = 0.039). The sources of information that contributed to the construction of illness representation are health personnel (73.5%), followed by the web and social web (14.7%), and media such as radio and TV (10.0%). Regarding the vaccine representation, fragile patients are confident about the vaccine and the science behind it and believe everyone should receive it. However, a high percentage (62.9%) fear side effects. Our analysis highlights that vaccination campaigns must be planned based on the target audience, individual and contextual needs, and representations of the disease, particularly when dealing with frail patients, to implement effective preventive interventions.
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