The flat glass powder usage instead of sand is convenient in structurally serviceable and environmentally compatible concrete. The deposits of glass powder in fibres cement compounds manufacture may add significant technical, economic and environmental necessities. The cement material and cement replacement by glass powder is chosen as parameters of the concrete. When the waste glass is fined to very fine dust, it demonstrates a cementitious characteristic due to silica content. Statistical methods and techniques are heavily used in glass powder replacement. In this paper, fifteen papers are reviewed and investigated to check the availability of using the statistical and modelling system in discussing the glass powder replacement with some other ingredients results between 2012-2021. We found that most of the papers depended on the ANOVA test to perform their work. Moreover, central composite face-centred (CFC) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) took a part in the studies. From the numerous replicas, a quadratic prototypical was supplied with waste glass powder in the numbers of the studies that the glass waste powder is the best with its characteristics.
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