체르노빌원전사고 이후원자력손해배상법체계는 국내외적으로상당한 변화가 있었다. 손해배상책임 한도액을높이고, 손해의범위가 확장되고, 국제협약의적용범위도 확장됨으로써 배상책임의 실효성을 제고하는데 역점을 두어 왔으며, 이러한 경향은 우리 원자력손해배상제도에도 반영되었다. 그러나 우리나라 원자력손해배상제도 에서는 환경손해의 취급이 법적으로 명확하지 않고, 3억 계산단위(SDR)의 배상책임 한도액도 대규모 사고 시 피해를 배상하는데 한계가 있으며, 국제보충배상협약 가입에 대한 우리의 입장도 분명하지 않다. 본 연구에서는 우선 논의의 출발점으로 우리나라의 원자력손해배상 제도와 국제 원자력손해배상 체제의 개략을 고찰하고, 협약이나 각국의 입법례에 있어 환경손해의 위험을 분석하고 그에 관한 제도 개선안을 도출한다. 다음으로 현재의 배상조치 수준의 적정성 여부도 검토한다. 그리고 보충배상협약의 가입은 원자력의 해외진출에 기반 조성이 된다는 점, 일부나마 책임한도액 부족 우려에 대한 대책이 될 수 있다는 점 및 원자력국가인 대한민국의위상에맞는수용성증진의효과가있다는점을생각할수있는반면, 사업자나나국가의 재정적 부담이 따르고, 인접국의 가입여부에 따라 실효성이 좌우된다는 점을 고려하지 않을 수 없다. 이런 상황에서도 인접국의 동향을 주시하고, 국익의 측면을 고려하여 가입 여부를 결정하여야 할 것이다.With the launch of new climate change system, the shift in the energy paradigm is being attempted in terms of energy cost reduction and response to global warming, nuclear power is recognized as the basic power source. The number of nuclear power plants are increasing. Switzerland who decided to opt away from nuclear power started overturning its decision. The safety is an absolute factor in nuclear power, and it is necessary to prepare technologies and systems to mitigate or eliminate damages in the event of an accident, Victims must be protected sufficiently at the time of an accident. At the same time, systems that shall contribute to or at least will not hinder the progress of nuclear industry need to be built up. However, since there are no sufficient studies on the nuclear liability act of major countries on nuclear power, its in-depth analysis is required. Also, current trends in nuclear power-related treaties should be identified. Implications for the nuclear liability in Korea need to be derived by surveying and analyzing the nuclear liability acts of advanced countries on nuclear power, and international nuclear power treaties. In order to determine the trends in systems of major countries (the US, France and Japan), the nuclear liability acts of these countries were analyzed. Through such analysis, a trend that the liability of the nuclear operators is increasing was identified. It can be stated that the key of the nuclear liability system is how to effectively place the insurance, compensation, domestic and international fund raising, and governmental support. Problems in this regard are as follows. Reparation measures need to be diversified plans to use the mutual insurance and deduction should be considered reparation measures. An union including the construction companies and parts suppliers of nuclear power plants need to be considered. Liability limit for nuclear operators is expected to be gradually increased. Finally, the government s role needs to be specified in legislation. Currently, the legal stability is damaged since the details of government support are not specified. This study has been conducted for the nuclear liability act to be standardized in order to achieve two objectives of protection of victims in the event of accidents and the development of the nuclear industry in the field of nuclear power where safety is the top priority. Building of a developmental model of nuclear liability act was suggested through the introduction of a useful system in Japan where the nuclear accident is actually being handled.