This paper develops and analyzes some interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (IPDG) methods using piecewise linear polynomials for the Helmholtz equation with the first order absorbing boundary condition in two and three dimensions. It is proved that the proposed discontinuous Galerkin methods are stable (hence well-posed) without any mesh constraint. For each fixed wave number $k$, optimal order (with respect to $h$) error estimate in the broken $H^1$-norm and suboptimal order estimate in the $L^2$-norm are derived without any mesh constraint. The latter estimate improves to optimal order when the mesh size $h$ is restricted to the preasymptotic regime (i.e., $k^2 h \gtrsim 1$). Numerical experiments are also presented to gauge the theoretical result and to numerically examine the pollution effect (with respect to $k$) in the error bounds. The novelties of the proposed IPDG methods include the following: First, the methods penalize not only the jumps of the function values across the element edges but also the jumps of the normal and tangential derivatives; second, the penalty parameters are taken as complex numbers of positive imaginary parts, so essentially and practically no constraint is imposed on the penalty parameters. Since the Helmholtz problem is a non-Hermitian and indefinite linear problem, as expected, the crucial and the most difficult part of the whole analysis is to establish the stability estimates (i.e., a priori estimates) for the numerical solutions. To this end, the cruxes of our analysis are to establish and to make use of a local version of the Rellich identity (for the Laplacian) and to mimic the stability analysis for the PDE solutions given in [P. Cummings, Analysis of Finite Element Based Numerical Methods for Acoustic Waves, Elastic Waves and Fluid-Solid Interactions in the Frequency Domain, Ph.D. thesis, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 2001], [P. Cummings and X. Feng, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 16 (2006), pp. 139-160], [U. Hetmaniuk, Commun. Math. Sci., 5 (2007), pp. 665-678].