A study was conducted during March 2021-22 in Central Telangana Zone, India to measure the knowledge level of CFLD-farmers on pulses by constructing a Knowledge Test battery on CFLD-Pulses. Relevant items were collected from review of literature, publications and discussion with scientists of related fields. For relevancy test, 30 items were sent to 50 experts for their judgement. Based on experts’ judgement, 25 items were selected for item analysis and administrated to 30 non sample farmers. Item analysis was done by item difficulty index, item discrimination index and point biserial correlation and 22 items were finalized for knowledge test. Reliability (Test-retest method) and validity (point biserial correlation) were estimated for standardization of the test and found to be highly significant. The test was finally administered to 160 respondents (100 beneficiary and 60 non-beneficiary farmers) of CFLD programme conducted by KVK Wyra and KVK Malyal belonging to Khammam and Mahabubabad Districts of Telangana state respectively (50 beneficiary and 30 non-beneficiaries from each KVK). Majority of the CFLD-beneficiaries (59%) and (50%) of non-beneficiaries were in medium category followed by 28% beneficiary and 13% non-beneficiary farmers under high knowledge category. The item analysis indicated significant differences in knowledge level of farmers pertaining to Non-insecticidal methods of pest management, stage at which field day is conducted, wilt tolerant variety of red gram, recommended improved varieties of pulses for kharif and rabi.
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