Astrocytes, comprising the primary glial-cell type, are involved in the formation and maturation of synapses, and thus contribute to sustainable synaptic transmission between neurons. Given that the animals in higher phylogenetic tree have brains with a higher density of glial cells with respect to neurons, there is a possibility that the relative astrocytic density directly influences synaptic transmission. However, the notion has not been tested thoroughly. Here we addressed it, by using a primary culture preparation where single hippocampal neurons are surrounded by a variable but a countable number of cortical astrocytes in dot-patterned microislands, and recording synaptic transmission by patch-clamp electrophysiology. Neurons with a higher astrocytic density showed a higher amplitude of the evoked excitatory postsynaptic current than that of neurons with a lower astrocytic density. The size of the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles per neuron was significantly larger. The frequency of spontaneous synaptic transmission was higher, but the amplitude was unchanged. The number of morphologically identified glutamatergic synapses was comparable, but the percentage of functional ones was increased, indicating a lower ratio of presynaptically silent synapses. Taken together, the higher astrocytic density enhanced excitatory synaptic transmission by increasing the fraction of functional synapses through presynaptic un-silencing.
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