The Ilikan terrain (or structural zone) is one of the largest structural elements of the Dzhugdzhur-Stano� voi superterrain (Fig. 1) in the southeastern area of the North Asian Craton. According to the existing con� cepts, it is composed of rock series of the same name related to the Stanovoi Complex, mainly biotite- hornblende, biotite, twomica, sometimes garnet� bearing gneisses, crystalline schists, amphibolites and pyroxene, amphibole schists, gneisses with garnet, biotite, sillimanite, corundum, hypersthenes, and amphibole (1, 2, and others). By now estimations of the Nd model age ( TNd(DM) = 2.6-3.2) Ga have been obtained for metamorphic rocks of the Ilikan series and the period of the forma� tion of detrital zircons from metasedimentary rocks (2700-2900 Ma) has been established (3). In addition there are data that the age of gabbroids intruding gneisses of the Ilikan series and synchronous structural metamorphic transformations under the conditions of the hightemperature amphibolite series is 2635 ± 4 Ma (4). The totality of the abovementioned materi� als provides evidence for the fact that the time of the formation of the Ilikan series may be limited to the range of 2630-2700 Ma; as this took place, Precam� brian formations underwent metamorphism and gran� itization at the time of 1.85-1.92 Ga and 127-130 Ma (2, 5, and others). Within the Ilikan terrain, among the stratified for� mations of the series of the same name (upper streams of the Mogot River, right tributary of the Gilyui River), the authors discovered thin bodies of magnetite quartzites, serpentinized dunites, pyroxenites, and amphibolites; the latter contain palladium tellurides, as well as native gold. In this study we present the first data on the mineral composition of noble metal min� eralization in the mentioned formations, and the model of its formation is suggested. As is known, ultrabasic-basic intrusions being derivates of mantle or basaltic melts, as well as their metamorphosed varieties host numerous known deposits of various ranks and manifestations of noble metals; moreover, they are perspective formations in relation to platinum metal mineralization (6-9 and others). However, in spite of the established relation� ships of the high concentration of platinum group ele� ments (PGEs) and gold with the mentioned forma� tions, study of the forms of occurrence of these ele� ments is often difficult because of their low concentrations and difficulties in diagnostics; thus, it is of high scientific interest. Until recently, the concentration of PGEs was