
According to the data of the time series from 1980 to 2011 in China, through establish multiple regression eco nometric mod el, th is study c arried ou t t he causa lity t est based on un it root and c ointegration analysis to co nduct th e em pirical analysis o n the relatio nship b etween C hina’s forei gn direct investment ( FDI), industrialization and economi c growt h. The result s show that: First, t he foreign di rect investment has a sig nificant effect on ec onomic growt h; s econd, indu strialization is negatively related to economic growth; third, in the long run, the proportion of the secondary industry output value a ccounting fo r r eal gross do mestic p roduct ( GDP) ma kes a neg ative cont ribution to economic growth. Go vernments sho uld devote their efforts to deve loping th e tertiary in dustry, meantime, to attract more FDI to China, should encourage more domestic investment, ensure political stability and make guided openness of t he economy the watchword in this era of global liberalization to trade and FDI policies in order to make FDI growth enhancing and economic growth in China.

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