Despite the importance of soil moisture (SM) in various applications and the need to validate satellite SM products, the current in situ SM network is still inadequate, even for developed country such as the United States. Recently, SM2RAIN (Soil Moisture to Rain) algorithm has prominently emerged as a bottom-up approach to derive rainfall data from SM. In this study, we evaluated whether SM2RAIN algorithm and rain gauges, which are more abundant and readily available than in situ SM, can be used to validate satellite-based SMAP SM estimates. Since errors in SMAP SM propagate to SMAP-derived rainfall, the skills of SM2RAIN might be able to provide insights on the accuracy of SMAP SM observations. While the correlation between SM2RAIN skills and SMAP SM skills was found to be statistically significant, the strength of the correlation varied among different climate zones and annual rainfall classes. Specifically, weaker correlations were observed in arid and lower rainfall regions (median R value of 0.12), while stronger correlations were found in temperate and higher rainfall regions (median R value of 0.54). In term of over/under-estimation tendencies, 56% of the stations had the same tendencies (SM2RAIN skills and satellite SM skills both have positive or negative PBIAS value).
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