Green-water evapotranspiration (GWET) and blue-water evapotranspiration (BWET) are much frequently discussed variables in the recent debates of water resources management and water productivity in water-scarce regions. But the deficiency of long-term, on-site records and limited observation stations is a critical challenge in determining the veracity of these variables. The GWET and BWET estimations rely considerably on extensive climate data, water fluxes data, soil parameters, crop distribution, and crop management data. However, obtaining accurate data by on-site observations or by remote sensing products is a difficult task in a data-scarce region and fewer variables are not sufficient to empirically estimate GWET and BWET. Machine learning (ML) is a modern artificial intelligence decision-making tool based on the analysis of fed-data and computer algorithms. This study reported the enormous potential of ML algorithms for estimating BWET and GWET using different sets of available climate variables. Wheat crop BWET and GWET were estimated at 114 meteorological stations in the Amu-Darya River Basin (ADRB) in Central Asia, using four most widely used ML algorithms: artificial neural network (ANN), supported vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and k-nearest neighbor (KNN). ML algorithms were trained with 75 % of the data, while tested and validated with 25 % of the data. A set of 24 models of different unique combinations of available variables were attempted to reasonably estimate GWET and BWET, and satisfying results were achieved. RF was found to be the most-promising ML algorithm to estimate BWET and GWET with limited available climate data. The estimated BWET and GWET can be considered in agriculture water resources policies to minimize further risks to the agroecosystem in ADRB.
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