This paper explores how sustainability impacts Ireland's ability to futher attract multinational corporations (MNCs) and foreign direct investment (FDI), focusing on academic research, reports, and the Industrial Development Agencys (IDA) 2021-2024 strategy. Historically, Irelands FDI strategy has relied heavily on low corporate tax rates, attracting global giants such as Apple, Google, and Pfizer. However, amid global tax reforms, including the OECDs 15% minimum corporate tax, and rising Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards, Ireland is undergoing a strategic shift. This study examines how policies like decarbonization, renewable energy investments, and circular economy initiatives position Ireland as a leader in green technology. Additionally, it analyzes global trends and Irelands alignment with the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to meet evolving international demands for sustainability. By adapting its FDI strategy to incorporate these significant changes, Ireland ensures its continued competitiveness as a destination for investment while fostering long-term economic growth and sustainability.
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