URBAN SPRAWL, TRANSPORT AND VEHICLE ACCIDENTS IN GUADALAJARA’S METROPOLITAN AREA Caminos Serrano Luis Gerardo1, Curiel Ballesteros Arturo1 1Masters Program in Environmental Health, University of Guadalajara. Background Guadalajara’s strong attraction with respect to its regional environment and the population saturation of its territory is reflected in the increase in population growth rates of its neighboring municipalities, showing a high-intensity urban expansion. Due to this urban sprawl, people drive more and pollute more. The increase in transfer times can be linked to increased risks associated to expanding cities (Frumkin, Frank, Jackson. 2004). Aims Confirm that urban expansion, has been instrumental in the increased rates of vehicle accidents. Methods In order to establish a value for urban sprawl, a central zone of compact built was taken as the point of reference and concentric circles were drawn from this point—all with equal areas—in order to confirm the manner in which urban sprawl has increased over the years. Established the location of each vehicular accident within the municipality in the area of concern. Results Urban sprawl is verified in some specific areas. Traffic accidents have occurred mainly on two of the roads. These roads were designed before the occurrence of this expansion and have recently been modified to incorporate the entrance and exit points to these areas. From 2005 to 2010, the number of inhabited homes doubled, from 50,989 to 105,954; the same was observed with respect to the number of automobiles, which increased from 23,535 to 42,375. Nevertheless, the number of accidents between 2005 and 2010 increased from 353 to 1,289; that is, it did not double but rather increased four-fold. The same holds for the number of deaths, which rose from 12 per year to 40 per year. Conclusions The increase in vehicle accidents in Guadalajara’s metropolitan area is explained not by the population increase, but rather by a synergistic effect of urban sprawl.
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