There is a growing concern about the increasing rate of defects in computing substrates. Traditional redundancy solutions prove to be too expensive for commodity microprocessor systems. Modern microprocessors feature multiple execution units to take advantage of instruction level parallelism. However, most workloads do not exhibit the level of instruction level parallelism that a typical microprocessor is resourced for. This offers an opportunity to reexecute instructions using idle execution units. But, relying solely on idle resources will not provide full instruction coverage and there is a need to explore other alternatives. To that end, we propose and evaluate two instruction replay schemes within the same core for online testing of the execution units. One scheme (RER) reexecutes only the retired instructions, while the other (REI) reexecutes all the issued instructions. The complete proposed solution requires a comparator and minor modifications to control logic, resulting in negligible hardware overhead. Both soft and hard error detection are considered and the performance and energy impact of both schemes are evaluated and compared against previously proposed redundant execution schemes. Results show that even though the proposed schemes result in a small performance penalty when compared to previous work, the energy overhead is significantly reduced.
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