Thiol-dependent redox regulation of enzyme activities plays a central role in regulating photosynthesis. Beside the regulation of metabolic pathways, alternative electron transport is subjected to thiol-dependent regulation. We investigated the regulation of O2 reduction at photosystem I. The level of O2 reduction in leaves and isolated thylakoid membranes depends on the photoperiod in which plants are grown. We used a set of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutant plants affected in the stromal, membrane and lumenal thiol network to study the redox protein partners involved in regulating O2 reduction. Light-dependent O2 reduction was determined in leaves and in thylakoids of plants grown in short day and long day conditions using a spin-trapping electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) assay. In wild type samples from short day conditions, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was double that of samples from long day conditions, while this difference was abolished in several redoxin mutants. An in vitro reconstitution assay showed that thioredoxin m, NADPH-dependent reductase C and NADPH are required for high O2 reduction levels in thylakoids from plants grown in long day conditions. Using isolated photosystem I, we also showed that reduction of a photosystem I protein is responsible for the increase in O2 reduction. Furthermore, differences in the membrane localization of m-type thioredoxins and 2-Cys peroxiredoxin were detected between thylakoids of short day and long day plants. Overall, we propose a model of redox regulation of O2 reduction according to the reduction power of the stroma and the ability of different thiol-containing proteins to form a network of redox interactions.