Legal sanctions against sex offenders include punishment and security measures.
 There has been a diversification of punishment and security measures for increasing sex crimes until 2022, there were various security measures, including electronic anklets and disclosure of personal information. But, the recidivism of sex offenders remains un diminished. Therefore, legislation was announced for security measures called the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice in October 2023.
 But, the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice in October 2023 is a stronger system than the United States Jessica Bill's contents and is being criticized for double punishment and so on. But, problems against the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice are mainly pointed out on the legal side and there is no criticism in terms of the legislation ideology. Because the most important content of the bill is the legislative ideology, First, I write a history of security measures for sex crimes, and then I describe the problems in the ideological aspect of the Korean Jessica bill by the Ministry of Justice in an my original way.
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