Recent fertility declines in Costa Rica are among the most rapid in the world due in large part to the extent of literacy early availability of contraception and the effectiveness of the government-sponsored family planning program. 2 stages in the fertility decline can be established: the period from 1960 to 1967 when fertility reduction is attributed to factors other than family planning services; and the period from 1968 until the present coinciding with establishment of the family planning program when it may be assumed that declining fertility was the net result of program as well as other factors. In order to determine program effects research demographer Luis Rosero established percentages of births averted which are due to family planning program efforts: 1) 1963-1967 with all births averted due to other factors 2) 1968-1972 when program-provided protection accounted for 17% of all averted births and 3) 1973-1977 when almost 40% of all births averted resulted from program services. The 1977 annual report of the family planning program details numbers of family planning clinics acceptors and new acceptors methods of contraception chosen and communication programs. Mentioned also is the controversy over the IUD as an abortifacient and accusations over alleged mass sterilization campaigns.