Subjects were instructed make associations words and paralogs (i.e.. associatively encode the units be recalled) during the study phase of a cued recall experiment. During the recall phase. one group was cued with the associations made during the study phase (subject generated associations); a second group was cued with words previously established as the modal associates the units be recalled (experimenter-supplied associations); a third group was not cued. The group cued with subject-generated associations recalled more units than the group cued with experimenter-supplied associations. and both cued groups recalled more units than the uncued groups. Short-latency associative reaction time units were recalled more frequently than long-latency units under the experimenter-supplied cued recall condition, and high-meaningfulness units were recalled more frequently than low-meaningfulness units under all experimental conditions. The results were interpreted as evidence in support of Ley and Locascio's hypothesis that retrieval from memory is a function of associations made at the time of storage. Ley and Locascio (I 970a) have proposed that making an association a verbal unit during study (associative encoding) facilitates the recall of that unit, and that associative reaction time is related recall in that it indexes the facility with which an association can be made. These hypotheses were supported in a free recall experiment (Locascio & Ley, 1972a) in which it was found that subjects instructed make associations verbal units during study recalled more units than sub jects instructed repeat the units aloud. The results of this study also suggested that subjects instructed to rehearse silently may be making associations during study although not specifically instructed do so. Although the effects of associative reaction time appear be related primarily recall rather than recogni tion memory (Ley & Locascio, 1970a, 1970b), it is not clear whether making associations improves recall · through the facilitation of memory storage, retrieval from memory, or both. Informal observations of subjects during free recall experiments and reports from
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