An innovative concept of a high-power, gravity-driven, dense granular spallation target has been integrated into the prototype design of the China initiative Accelerator-Driven System (CiADS), which is envisioned as a promising nuclear demonstration facility aimed at converting long-lived fission products and minor actinides into short-lived isotopes. This spallation target system, bridging the proton beam accelerator and the subcritical reactor, plays a crucial role in ensuring safety control and facilitating dynamic operational strategies. In this study, we have developed a system design for an online detector array, incorporating several neutron fission chambers and thermocouples installed in the gap between the spallation target and the subcritical reactor to monitor operations. Furthermore, we have devised real-time monitoring and protection methods to tackle the challenges of measuring beam position and the blockage condition associated with granular flow, considering the distribution of neutron flux and heat deposition under abnormal irradiation conditions. Monte Carlo simulations have demonstrated the applicability and feasibility of the control system for the dense granular spallation target in the accelerator-driven system. The numerical results confirm that the proposed control system meets the requirements for stable measurement with acceptable accuracy.