Excluded-volume interactions in long chains are treated in terms of Gaussian probabilities for intersegmental contacts. Thus for a chain of n segments and end-to-end distance h the energy factor, exp[−βΣΣ lim k>lδ(hlk)],is evaluated by linearly expanding and averaging—sequentially for l=1, 2, ···, n—the interactions of segments l with those following after, k. Accordingly, for each l exp[—βΣkδ(hlk)] into exp[—βΣkfn—l(0lk | h)], where fn—l(0lk | h) is the probability, conditional to h, for a contact among segments l and k. The probability refers to a fictitious chain n in which only the segments from l+1 to n are still interacting (— the ``real section''). Thereafter it is assumed that the contact probabilities can be represented by the Gaussian expressions obtaining for random-flight chains, with the links representing the real section taken as expanded as the most probable end-to-end distance of a corresponding real chain—viz., a chain consisting of r=n—l−1 interacting segments. On this basis an integral equation is derived for the expansion coefficient αn=h*/h*0, h*, and h*0 being respectively the most probable value of the end-to-end distance of chain n, in the presence and absence of interactions. (The integral form of the equation results from the number of interacting segments in the fictitious chains varying from r=n to r=0.) The line obtained for αn2 vs n initially rises like Fixman's but, beyond αn2≈4, diverges from it, the asymptotic limit being αn2∝n0.236 (vs Fixman's ∝n0.33 and Flory's ∝n0.2). The results also show that the excluded-volume effect is essentially contributed by contacts among segment pairs separated by a vanishingly small fraction of the real chain section, (k—l) *«r*. It seems therefore that the distribution of the internal distances hlk can be treated in Gaussian terms, in spite of the distribution of the end-to-end distance in a real chain being non-Gaussian. On the same grounds it is concluded that a similar treatment of the 2-dimensional chain, leading to αn2∝n0.5, should fail, for in this case (k—l) *≈r*.
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