Next-generation lithium metal batteries have demonstrated the high energy densities necessary for electric vehicles and thus have the potential to enable the widespread electrification of transportation.1 However, mass adaptation of lithium metal batteries is challenged by the unsatisfactory cycle life resulting from the lack of electrolytes compatible with the highly reactive lithium metal surface. The uncontrolled interactions between the lithium anode and the electrolyte results in the continuous depletion of both participants and/or the formation of electrically isolated lithium, which ultimately reduces the cycle life. While progress in electrolyte engineering offers hints on the role of the electrolyte in essential battery processes (eg., the formation of a stable solid-electrolyte interphase layer and favorable deposited lithium morphologies), further improvements in lithium metal batteries necessitates a deeper understanding of the lithium metal/electrolyte interface.The performance of lithium metal battery electrolytes is often gauged by the ratio between the discharge and charge capacities, or the Coulombic efficiency (CE). An electrolyte with a high CE indicates that the discharge and charge capacities were nearly equal, or that very little lithium was lost to undesirable side processes during cycling. A typical CE experiment, such as the popular Aurbach method, involves several cycles of plating and stripping a lithium reservoir from a copper substrate at one current density.2 With hundreds of cycles, a single CE test can be time-consuming, presenting a bottleneck in electrolyte research.Here, we integrate nonlinear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (NLEIS) into a modified Aurbach method to evaluate the evolution of the lithium metal/electrolyte interface with cycling and detect earlier signs of lower CE electrolytes. With the same instrumentation as its linear counterpart, NLEIS utilizes a moderate AC current amplitude to elicit a weakly nonlinear voltage response that is sensitive to kinetic, transport, and thermodynamic processes. Notably, the second harmonic voltage response is formed by the differences between the battery electrodes, making NLEIS a powerful diagnostic tool for detecting subtle changes.3,4 This work introduces a methodology that could enable faster characterization of lithium metal electrolytes, yet opens the path for more in-depth kinetic studies. G. M. Hobold et al., Nat. Energy, 6, 951–960 (2021).B. D. Adams, J. Zheng, X. Ren, W. Xu, and J. G. Zhang, Adv. Energy Mater., 8, 1–11 (2018).Y. Ji and D. T. Schwartz, J. Electrochem. Soc., 170, 123511 (2023).4. Y. Ji and D. T. Schwartz, J. Electrochem. Soc., 171, 023504 (2024). Figure 1
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