AbstractMajor and trace‐element zoning in garnet, in combination with Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf geochronology, provide evidence for a protracted garnet growth history for the Zermatt‐Saas Fee (ZSF) ophiolite, western Alps. Four new Lu–Hf ages from Pfulwe (c. 52–46 Ma) and one from Chamois (c. 52 Ma) are very similar to a previously published Lu–Hf age from Lago di Cignana. Overall, the similarity of geochronological and garnet zoning patterns suggests that these three localities had a similar prograde tectonic history, commensurate with their similar structural position near the top of the ZSF. Samples from the lower part of the ZSF at Saas Fee and St. Jacques, however, produced much younger Lu–Hf ages (c. 41–38 Ma). Neither differences in whole‐rock geochemistry, which might produce distinct garnet growth histories, nor rare‐earth‐element zoning in garnet, can account for the age differences in the two suites. This suggests a much later prograde history for the lower part of the ZSF, supporting the idea that it was subducted diachronously. Such a model is consistent with changes in subduction vectors based on plate tectonic reconstructions, where early oblique subduction, which produced long prograde garnet growth, changed to more orthogonal subduction, which corresponds to shorter prograde garnet growth. Six new Rb–Sr phengite ages range from c. 42 to 39 Ma and, in combination with previously published Rb–Sr ages, constrain the timing of the transition from eclogite to upper greenschist facies P–T conditions. The proximity of the ZSF in the Saas Fee region to the underlying continental Monte Rosa unit and the similarity of peak‐metamorphic ages suggest these two units were linked for part of their tectonic history. This in turn indicates that the Monte Rosa may have been partly responsible for rapid exhumation of the ZSF unit.
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