PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 三江平原不同湿地类型土壤活性有机碳组分及含量差异 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201405060894 作者: 作者单位: 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,河南南阳师范学院生命科学与技术学院,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项课题(XDA05050508);国家自然科学基金项目(31100320,41171047)联合资助 Compositions and contents of active organic carbon in different wetland soils in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China Author: Affiliation: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Department of Life Science and Technology, Nanyang Normal University, Henan province,Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:土壤活性有机碳对土壤干扰的反应较快,是土壤有机碳早期变化的敏感性指标。近50年来,三江平原湿地土壤有机碳库受农事活动影响较大。为了探讨不同湿地类型土壤活性有机碳主要组分土壤可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon, DOC)、微生物量碳(Microbial biomass carbon, MBC)和易氧化有机碳(Easily oxidized organic carbon, EOC)的分布差异及主要影响因子,选择了三江平原洪河自然保护区4种典型的湿地类型(小叶章+沼柳湿地、小叶章湿地、毛苔草湿地和芦苇湿地)为研究对象。分析了不同湿地类型土壤可溶性有机碳,微生物量碳和易氧化有机碳在0-30 cm土层内的分布特征和分配比例及其与有机碳、土壤养分和酶活性指标(蔗糖酶、纤维素酶和过氧化氢酶)之间的相关关系。结果表明:(1) 4种湿地类型土壤DOC、MBC和EOC含量均随土层深度的增加而减少。不同湿地类型之间土壤活性有机碳含量在0-30 cm土层内存在显著性差异(P < 0.05),相对于长期淹水的毛苔草湿地和芦苇湿地而言,未淹水的小叶章+沼柳湿地和小叶章湿地具有较高的DOC,MBC和EOC含量。(2) 土壤DOC、MBC和EOC占有机碳比例分别为0.27%-0.63%,1.27%-5.94%和19.63%-41.25%。土壤DOC所占比例呈先增后减的变化趋势,最大的比例均出现在10-20 cm。MBC所占比例在土壤剖面上则未表现出一致的变化规律,而EOC所占比例则随土层深度的增加而逐渐减少。(3) 土壤DOC占SOC比例以小叶章湿地最高,MBC和EOC占SOC的比例则以小叶章+沼柳湿地最高。而长期淹水的毛苔草湿地和芦苇湿地则具有更低的DOC,MBC和EOC比例。(4) 综合分析表明,4种湿地类型土壤DOC, MBC 和EOC两两之间存在极显著相关性关系,它们除了与碳氮比相关性不显著外,与土壤有机碳,全氮,全磷养分和酶活性指标间相关性均达到极显著水平,尤其是与有机碳和全氮的相关性系数更高,此外DOC与纤维素酶,MBC与过氧化氢酶相关性更大。由此可见,土壤碳氮磷养分和酶活性是影响土壤活性有机碳组分分布的重要因素。 Abstract:Soil active organic carbon (AOC) fractions are good indicators of soil carbon stock change because of their rapid response to soil disturbances in natural ecosystems. Agricultural activities in the last 50 years have greatly influenced the soil organic carbon (SOC) of natural wetlands on Sanjiang Plain, China. The main objective of this study was to assess differences in the distribution of soil AOC fractions, including dissolved organic carbon (DOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and easily oxidized organic carbon (EOC), and the main influencing factors in four different types of wetlands in the Honghe National Natural Reserve of Sanjiang Plain. The contents and allocation ratios of soil DOC, MBC, and EOC were investigated at three soil depths (0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm) in four types of wetlands: (1) a mixed Calamagrostis angustifolia and Salix brachypoda wetland (CSW), (2) a C. angustifolia wetland (CAW), (3) a Carex lasiocarpa wetland (CLW), and (4) a Phragmites australis wetland (PAW). The relationships among the three soil AOC fractions and soil nutrient contents (SOC, total nitrogen [TN], total phosphorus [TP]) and enzyme activity (sucrase, cellulase, and catalase) were also analyzed. The results showed that DOC, MBC, and EOC content gradually decreased with increasing soil depth in the 0-30 cm soil layer of all four wetlands. However, significant differences (P < 0.05) were noted for the soil AOC fractions among the four wetlands. The DOC, MBC, and EOC content was significantly higher in non-flooding CSW and CAW compared to long-term flooding CLW and PAW. In the four wetlands, the ratios of soil DOC, MBC, and EOC to SOC content at the three soil depths ranged from 0.27% to 0.63%, 1.27% to 5.94%, and 19.63% to 41.25%, respectively. In addition, the trend in the changes of soil DOC to SOC ratios initially increased, followed by a decrease along the soil profiles, with peak values being documented for the 10-20 cm soil layer. No specific trend was noted for MBC to SOC ratios, but EOC to SOC ratios decreased with soil depth. The highest DOC to SOC ratio was obtained for CAW, whereas the highest MBC and EOC to SOC ratios were obtained for CSW. In contrast, lower DOC, MBC, and EOC to SOC ratios were observed in the long-term flooding CLW and PAW. Furthermore, positive correlations were observed among DOC, MBC, and EOC in all four wetlands. Our results showed that DOC, MBC, and EOC content was strongly correlated with SOC, TN, and TP content as well as with the enzyme activity indicators in the four wetland soils, but no significant correlation was noted for the C/N ratio. A higher correlation coefficient was observed between these three AOC fractions with SOC and TN content. Furthermore, highly significant relationships were observed between DOC content and cellulase activity, as well as between MBC content and catalase activity. In conclusion, the soil AOC fractions were mainly influenced by soil nutrient content (SOC, TN, and TP) and enzyme activity, which are associated with the C cycle. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献
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