Temporal variations in the visible/near-infrared reflectance spectra of the radiometric calibration targets on the Mars Pathfinder (MPF) lander obtained by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) camera reveal the effects of aeolian dust deposition at the MPF site throughout the mission. Sky brightness models in combination with two-layer radiative transfer models were used with these data to track changes in dust opacity on the radiometric calibration targets (RCTs) to constrain the dust deposition rate and the spectral properties of the deposited dust. Two-layer models were run assuming both linear and nonlinear dust accumulation rates, and suggest that RCT dust optical depth at the end of the 83-sol mission was 0.08 to 0.16, or on the order of 5- to 10-μm thickness for plausible values for dust porosity and grain size. These values correspond to dust fall rates of about 20–45 μm per Earth year, consistent with previous studies of dust deposition on Mars. The single scattering albedos of the dust derived from the models fall between those previously determined for atmospheric dust and bright soils. Comparisons of relative reflectance spectra calibrated using observed RCT radiances from late in the mission versus using radiances from modeled (dust-free) RCTs also reveal distinct spectral differences consistent with dust on the RCTs. Temporal variations in RCT dust opacity are not clearly linked to known passages of vortices at the MPF site, but overall suggest that deposition of dust onto the targets by local dust devils may be favored over erosion. Analyses of temporal changes in visible/near-infrared spectra will provide valuable information for future missions by constraining how dust deposition affects landed spacecraft operability (e.g., solar power availability), instrument calibration, and interpretations of surface mineralogy and composition.