The slug test is the most widely used technique for the in situ estimation of hydraulic conductivityin confined and unconfined formations. Currently, there are no generally accepted methods in thegroundwater literature for the analysis of response data from slug tests performed in wells screenedacross the watertable. A field study was undertaken in an attempt to develop a set of practicalguidelines for tests conducted in such wells. Three wells, screened within unconsolidated materialexhibiting a range of hydraulic conductivities (.05–30.0 m/day), were installed to depths of up to9 m (30 ft) in Kansas River alluvium that ranges in thickness from 15 m to 21 m (50 ft to 70 ft)near Lawrence, Kansas. Intensive well-development efforts removed any drilling debris that couldinterfere with well-formation hydraulics. Once the wells were developed properly, a series of slugtests was performed at each well. The tests were designed to assess the role of the unsaturatedzone and the appropriateness of assuming a fixed hydraulic head upper boundary. The results ofthis investigation can be summarized as follows: (1) the sufficiency of well development shouldbe based on repeat slug tests and not the clarity of pumped water; (2) the effective screen radiusfor best model analysis should be based on a mass balance and not nominal screen dimensions;(3) the watertable can be represented as a constant head boundary and flow in the unsaturatedzone can be ignored in most situations; (4) conventional techniques for the analysis of slug-testdata seem to be reasonable for slug tests conducted in wells screened across the watertable, whenused with the appropriate effective screen radius and normalized head range; and (5) fluctuationsin the watertable elevation through time can be exploited to obtain some insight into the natureof vertical variation in hydraulic conductivity at a well. The results of this investigation indicatethat multiple slug tests should be performed at wells screened across the watertable in order toreliably assess the sufficiency of well development and the appropriateness of conventional theory.