The notion of a random semi-metric space provides an alternate approach to the study of probabilistic metric spaces from the standpoint of random variables instead of distribution functions and permits a new investigation of the triangle inequality. Starting with a probability space (Ω,B,P) and an abstract setS, each pair of points,p, q, inS is assigned a random variableX pq with the interpretation thatX pq (ω) is the distance betweenp andq at the “instant” ω. The probability of the eventJ pqr = {ω ∈ Ω:X pr (ω)≤X pq (ω)+X qr (ω)} is studied under distribution function conditions imposed by Menger Spaces (K. Menger, “Statistical Metrics,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 28 (1942), 535–537; B. Schweizer and A. Sklar, “Statistical Metric Spaces,” Pacific J. Math.10 (1960), 313–334). It turns out that for e > 0 there are 3 non-negative, identically-distributed random variablesX, Y andZ for whichP(X <Y +Z) < e. This and other results show that distribution function triangle inequalities are very weak. Conditional probabilities are introduced to give necessary and sufficient conditions forP(J pqr ) = 1.
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