The evaluation of a set of quality properties of agricultural machinery requires the application of multi-criteria optimisation models. A possible solution implies trade-offs, because the evaluated index of one of the criteria cannot be varied at the expense of the evaluation indices of other criteria. The mathematical model for determining the effi ciency of objects at individual levels of the multilevel system of agricultural machinery quality assessment implements a universal approach to solving problems with any set of attributes and their varieties. In this case, not only the solutions themselves, but also the algorithms of their search and selection, including procedures for describing con ditions (situations), can be subject to systematisation. The authors propose an analytical defi nition of coeffi cients according to the formula used to study information states based on the principle of decreasing the importance of priorities between the attributes in the matrix. According to the developed mathematical model with a random set of indicators, the authors have calculated relative importance coeffi cients for four investigated objects by four attributes and presented the results of data conversion into relative units and normalisation in the “recogniser”. The calculation results show that the developed mathematical model makes it possible to analytically determine the effi ciency for any number of investigated objects by a suffi ciently large number of attributes and objectively assess their effi ciency for individual “recognisers” in the system of quality assessment of agricultural machinery.