Abstract This work analyzes numerically the propagation of a fundamental vector soliton in presence of a Raman soliton self-polarization shift (RSSPS) effect driven by the self- and cross-frequency shift that are induced by the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), which is modeled by two coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations in a circular polarization basis. Particularly, the propagation of the fundamental vector soliton, as a sech-squared temporal pulse profile, is also governed by a compensation balance between dispersion and Kerr effect. In this analysis, the numerical approach for solving the propagation problem is studied in detail. Additionally, for a better understanding of the vector soliton dynamics, the pulse propagation governed by linear and nonlinear effects, considering their individual contributions as well as their simultaneous interplay, are studied by spectrograms, which represent the temporal-spectral distribution of the pulse profile. As a result, the fundamental vector soliton, which maintains its temporal envelope over propagation, validates a temporal walk-off along propagation that is consistent with a redshifted spectral evolution; at the same time, the polarization evolution is correlated with this pulse dynamics.
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