A satisfactory representation theory in terms of integrals for linear operators from an LP space to an arbitrary Banach space X has not as yet been developed for p>1. For the case p=1, Dunford and Pettis [3] have obtained results provided X satisfies certain rather general restrictions. In particular, the representations for the cases in which X is an L space or an LP space are well known. The case in which the domain is L and X is an arbitrary space has been treated by Rickart [6] who obtained a representation in terms of the Phillips-Birkhoff integral [5; 2 ]. If the range space X is a function space in which the values of the functions at a fixed point in their common domain of definition yield a linear functional over the space, the problem can frequently be treated if the form of the linear functional over the domain space is known by considering the operator as a family of linear functionals over the space. In the present paper we use essentially this technique to obtain a representation for operators from LP to L in terms of the Lebesgue integral. We denote by (R, cS), (S, y) measure spaces where R, S are sets, Xk, Py completely additive measures defined over o-rings 7(R), 7(S) of subsets in R, S respectively, and we assume that R, S are unions of countable families of sets of finite measure. The set of all realvalued functions {x(t) } defined over R which are measurable and such that I x(t) P' is integrable over R with respect to qk is denoted by LP(R, qk). It is well known that if 1 1, p' defined by 1/p+1/p' = 1 and h ELI(R, c5) if p = 1. We shall make extensive use of the theorem of Radon and Nikodym [8] which states that L(R, qk) is isometrically isomorphic to the space of completely additive and absolutely continuous set functions A(R, c5) defined over 7(R) where FCA(R, c5) implies that ||F||
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