Intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications are dependent on secure and robust wireless data sharing among vehicles and roadside units (RSUs). Multiple types of data are shared among the ITS devices which include safety information, road services, web based information retrieval and task computation. Web 3.0 offers a decentralized, distributed and secure data sharing mechanism for ITSs. Allocation of wireless channel resources are critical to enable an efficient ITS system. In this paper, a novel data sharing technique for Web 3.0 based ITS is presented that relies on an intelligent clustering algorithm. In the first step, the proposed technique uses a K-means algorithm to find groups of vehicles with similar speeds. In the second step, each cluster is assigned an RSU which has the highest average data rate with all vehicles in the cluster. This is achieved by using a stable matching technique so that there is no contention and each cluster is assigned a separate RSU. The algorithm periodically updates the clusters and RSU allocation for web data sharing between vehicles and RSUs. Simulation results show that the proposed clustering-based data sharing technique improves sum-rate by 20% and reduces network delay by 23%.
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