A highly gamma-radioactive target, 3.7 GBq, of 173Lu isotope was placed inside the DANCE array (Detector for Advanced Neutron Capture Experiments) at Los Alamos to study the radiative neutron capture on an unstable isotope. The 173Lu element was produced by naturalHf(p,xn) reactions following by beta-decays at the Isotope Production Facility (IPF). Measurements of radiative neutron capture cross section on 173Lu were achieved at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) spallation neutron source facility over the neutron energy range from thermal up to 1 keV. A special configuration was necessary to perform the experiment using the DANCE [1] array due to the high gamma activity of the target. We will report on the target production, the experiment and the results obtained for the radiative neutron capture on 173Lu. The radiative capture cross section was obtained for the first time on this unstable nucleus. Some resonances have been characterized. A comparison with a recent data evaluation is presented.
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