Forebear to judge, for we are sinners all. Close up his eyes and draw the curtain close; And let us all to meditation.—King Henry VI, Part II, Act 3. The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.—Ibid, Act. 4. Periodic meditation on radiological protection procedures is desirable for many reasons, not least because they tend to be accompanied by a plethora of overtones emotional and a pallor of facts scientific. So meditate we shall, both as physician and as citizen. And lawyers will not be killed, because they are necessary, especially in the construction of sensible regulations! Radiation protection procedures in this essay will be considered primarily from the point of view of the patient undergoing x-ray examination. The persons actually using radiation equipment should have enough knowledge of its hazards to protect themselves and their staffs from harm in so far as present information permits…even if they do not always so possess. While physicians and dentists are principally responsible for hu...
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