The aim of the study – to investigate the characteristics of ossification of the right andleft radial diaphysis in fetuses of 20-32 weeks’ gestation.Materials and methods. Computed tomography scans of 52 human fetuses at 20-32 weeksof gestation were analyzed to study the characteristics of ossification of the radial bones inhuman fetuses. The results of the study were statistically analyzed in Excel. Student’s t-testfor independent variables and univariate analysis of variance were used to compare means.Results. In human fetuses of 20-32 weeks of gestation, the mean length of ossificationof the right radius increases from 19.63±0.19 mm to 40.87±0.09 mm, and the left radiusincreases from 20.43±0.18 mm to 41.62±0.28 mm, according to the quadratic equation: y= 1.7152 x age – 13.152 (R2 = 0.9825). When analyzing the proximal transverse diameterof the diaphysis of the radius, its increase occurs according to the following quadraticequation: y = 0.2354 x age-1.6858 (R² = 0.9797). In the analysis, the transverse diameterof the middle part of the radius diaphysis increases according to the following quadraticequation: y = 0.1388 x age – 1.0613 (R² = 0.9832). When analyzed, the transversediameter of the distal part of the radial diaphysis increases according to the followingquadratic equation: y = 0.1491 x age – 1.1459 (R² = 0.9847).Conclusion. The obtained morphometric data on ossification of the radial diaphysis can beconsidered normal for the studied 20-32 weeks of gestation and can be used for assessmentof fetal age and for ultrasound diagnosis of congenital pathologies of the upper extremity.
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