AbstractThe incidence, duration and location of notches in the non‐epiphyseal ends of the metacarpal shafts were determined from serial sequential radiographs of the left hand of 332 ethnically comparable children. Each series of films extended from shortly after birth to late adolescence or early adulthood. The notches represent vestiges of supernumerary epiphyses or pseudo‐epiphyses and are regarded as indicative of disturbances in skeletal maturation.Metacarpal notching was found in 132 (78.1% ) of 169 boys and in 118 (72.4% ) of 163 girls. The mean number of notches per subject was significantly higher in boys than in girls and in slow maturing as opposed to fast maturing children in each sex. Regardless of sex or speed of skeletal maturation, the most frequent locations of notching were radial border of metacarpal II, ulnar side of metacarpal V and radial margin of metacarpal I. Notches were most common in metacarpal II followed in declining order by metacarpals V, I, III and IV. The notches disappeared approximately two years earlier in girls than in boys. All were obliterated by deposition of osseous tissue long before fusion of the true epiphysis with the metacarpal shaft.
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