I'm writing this editorial in Seattle, during a break at the 2017 IEEE Radar Conference. I'm sure that in some of the future issues of the Magazine you will read the report on this very interesting conference, but now I'll comment only on the AESS Radar Summer School that has been held in conjunction with this conference (Figure 1). This is the first time an AESS School has taken place. The IEEE AES Radar Systems Panel (RSP) Education Committee organized it (thanks to Alex Charlish, Mike Inggs, Ravi Adve, Mike Picciolo, Dan Sego, Bill Correll and Patty Woodard) with the support of the AESS VP Education and it has been a great success. The goal of School was to teach – in two days – introductory radar concepts to anyone who felt the need for a basic introduction to core radar curricula (Figures 2 and 3, refer to page 17). Out of 43 attendees, 70% were PhD students, while others were mostly working professionals, coming from US, China, Japan, South Africa, Finland, Turkey, Italy, Scotland, England, Germany, France, and India. The interactions, the questions of the students were amazing, so it has been a great initiative, to repeat in the future, on all the topics of AESS interest.
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