The application of metallic nanoparticles leads to an increase in the efficiency of solar cells due to the plasmonic effect. We explore various scenarios of the related mechanism in the case of metallized perovskite solar cells, which operate as hybrid chemical cells without p-n junctions, in contrast to conventional cells such as Si, CIGS or thin-layer semiconductor cells. The role of metallic nano-components in perovskite cells is different than in the case of p-n junction solar cells and, in addition, the large forbidden gap and a large effective masses of carriers in the perovskite require different parameters for the metallic nanoparticles than those used in p-n junction cells in order to obtain the increase in efficiency. We discuss the possibility of activating the very poor optical plasmonic photovoltaic effect in perovskite cells via a change in the chemical composition of the perovskite and through special tailoring of metallic admixtures. Here we show that it is possible to increase the absorption of photons (optical plasmonic effect) and simultaneously to decrease the binding energy of excitons (related to the inner electrical plasmonic effect, which is dominant in perovskite cells) in appropriately designed perovskite structures with multishell elongated metallic nanoparticles to achieve an increase in efficiency by means of metallization, which is not accessible in conventional p-n junction cells. We discuss different methods for the metallization of perovskite cells against the background of a review of various attempts to surpass the Shockley–Queisser limit for solar cell efficiency, especially in the case of the perovskite cell family.
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