In this work, a comparative study of the mixing phenomena of the simple spiral microchannel and offset inlets spiral microchannel is put forward by numerical simulation. The conservation equations, the equation of Continuity, the equation of Convection-Diffusion, and the equation of Navier-Stokes describe species transport process. Reynolds number is selected in the extent of 1 to 125 for the simulation process. An offset inlets spiral microchannel yields a more supreme mixing index compared to a simple spiral microchannel. Moreover, in the case of an offset inlets spiral microchannel, the mixing index has achieved 94% at Re = 112. For both microchannels, as the Reynolds number increases mixing quality and pressure drop also increases. The value of pressure downfall in an offset inlets spiral microchannel is more than a simple spiral microchannel. In practical application, the functioning of Lab on a chip device is not infected by pressure downfall. The geometry transformation represents a significant role, so an offset inlets spiral microchannel has the perfect ability for an application in Lab on a chip device.
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