Family carers of people with Lewy body dementia (LBD) have a particularly high burden of care, as LBD has a faster rate of decline, greater physical dependence and additional neuropsychiatric disturbances compared with other dementias. Despite this, there are no evidence-based support services designed specifically for LBD carers. STrAtegies for RelaTives (START) is an eight-session, individually delivered coping therapy that has been shown in a randomised controlled trial to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms and increase quality of life in carers of people with dementia, with effects lasting several years. We adapted START for LBD, and piloted its use both face-to-face and on the phone with 10 carers to test acceptability and indications of similar effects in this group. Our findings suggest that the therapy was acceptable and feasible using either delivery mode, providing much appreciated and needed strategies, education and support for carers of people with LBD. Trials of effectiveness are now needed.
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