Abstract Zirconium alloys are used as a cladding material for fuel elements in nuclear reactors. In the case of severe accident conditions, the possible rapid oxidation of zirconium in steam or/and air may result in intense hydrogen generation and hydrogen–oxide mixture explosion. Advanced technologies for increasing the corrosion resistance of claddings are being investigated in two directions: (a) protective coatings on Zr alloys and (b) the use of new materials for claddings. Coatings with silicon may provide a more protective barrier than the ZrO2 films formed on an alloy cladding during nuclear plant operations. These coatings may also serve as a protective barrier during high-temperature accidents. The current work aimed at developing protective coatings with silicon on zirconium alloys. Multielemental Zr–Si–Cr coatings were formed on Zry-2 alloy using the physical vapor deposition (PVD) method. Long-term oxidation tests were carried out under the following conditions: 360°C/195 bar/63 days/water-simulating PWR water. Obtained results show the protective character of formed layers. The material in the form of silicon carbide grains covered with yttrium–aluminum garnet (SiC + YAG) was prepared using the sol–gel method. The formed powder is the main component for coating formation on Zr–1Nb alloy using the method of suspension plasma spraying (SPS).
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